Embrace The Weird, The Ugly, and the Uncertain
Have you ever started something and imagined all the ways you were going to suck at it? Yeah, I've been there too. I started my content writing journey back in September 2023.
I was watching a YouTube video on this guy explaining how to become a Freelance Writer. My husband was listening to me complain about how I didn't like my job and how it's been stressing me out to the point of not wanting to show up anymore.
I've always wanted to be a Writer but was too cowardly to pursue it as an actual career. I had all these dreams of starting a blog, writing a book, a poem, and literally many more but like with many writers, I placed it in the backseat to collect dust.
After a week watching the video I decided you know what? Screw it. I'm gonna take a big leap and start this freelance writing thing.
I tried to follow the steps from the video and wrote up pieces for a portfolio, pitched editors from different publications, picked my niche, and created a separate email from my personal one.
It was one of the scariest things I've had to do in my life.
Like who goes from wanting to blend in in the background to now pitching editors and getting articles published on Medium?
All it took was for me to start implementing the advice. It didn't matter how perfect it was, I just needed to start.
Looking back the feeling of uncertainty was never going to go away. Whether I started then, never, or 3 years ago, it didn't matter.
Doing new things will almost guarantee you break a sweat. You have never done it before.
What matters is if you actually just did it.
I just joined a writing program called The Writer's League.
It was a program designed to help upcoming, seasoned, and OG writers and creators with our online businesses and to eventually make 6 figures.
Like many of the people in the community, I was hesitant to pay for the services. I wasn't sure what I was going to get out of it.
But after seeing the creator send more emails, explaining the value that comes with it, and creating a sense of urgency (a sales technique to close) I just went ahead and said screw it again. I'm now a part of the community.
Let me tell you, it was very well worth the price.
He brought on guest speakers to host a workshop on different strategies to get clients, create compelling content, build a brand, etc.
And I have access to this information for life.
Can you imagine the regret I would've felt missing out on all that valuable information?
Now, I'm applying all of these strategies, staying consistent and improving my craft every day and I won't give up until my goal is reached.
The process started out pretty ugly.
I didn't know what I was doing and I'm pretty sure I made an editor take a screenshot of my pitch to send to their group chat to roast me.
It still doesn't matter, because I can tell you I'm doing way better than 6 months ago.
The feelings of fear, uncertainty, and embarrassment will always be there.
Will they stop you from your goals or will you go through them anyways to reach them?